
Daily Archives:

May 26, 2016

Ride day 6: Phuong Cua Ong to Cat Ba

20 May 2016 As is becoming usual, we were out of our Nha Nghi just before 8.00 a.m. A quick ride down the ramp down the stairs before loading up the bikes for the day. With the bikes having now done over 1,000km, it was time to get the oil changed and chains tightened. We […]

Ride day 5: Thai Nguyen to Phuong Cua Ong

19 May 2016

Ride day 4: Viet Quang to Thai Nguyen

18 May 2016 A very broken nights sleep. Hot, broken air con (that turned itself off every 20 minutes), and exceptionally noisy. Note to self – don’t stay in a hotel that also advertises karaoke in the same building! Up and away early this morning, for the reasons mentioned above. A quick stop off to […]

Ride day 3: Sa Pa to Viet Quang (via Chinese boarder at Lao Cai)

17 May 2016 We were up nice and early for the days ride. A healthy final breakfast at the excellent Heart of Sa Pa hotel. Ha being the ultimate hostess and almost force feeding us food. Checked out, and made our way to load up the bikes, which had been stored in a local kindergarten […]

Ah – Sa Pa

We arrived in Sa Pa quite late Friday evening after a mammoth day riding – we’d passed so many small villages (including a village built on the mountain prescipice on stilts!) that we weren’t expecting Sa Pa to be the established town and tourist hub that it is. After a bit of searching we found […]